November 1, 2023

Prowler Proof's internal season Survivor program is back this year, kicking off in October with Ruby the Ice Cream Van! This program serves an incentive for Production employees to achieve our season goals.

The program offers various rewards, including team member performance, supervisor performance, and The Ultimate Survivor awards. The performance rewards are centered around enhancing both internal and external remake rates, as well as average items produced per hour. The Ultimate Survivor award is determined through a team vote and recognises the individual who best exemplifies the Prowler Proof values (Leader | Safer | Better | Faster) throughout the season.

To further support the team, food vans and other goodies are provided to help them navigate through this busy period. The Survivor Season program, along with these incentives, ensures that we maintain our commitment to delivering products on time and upholding our quality standards during our peak production period.

If you have any feedback or inquiries, please feel free to reach out to us at
Prowler Proof Survivor Staff Kick Off 2023 Prowler Proof Survivor Production Staff Kick Off 2023